Friday, June 21, 2013

Bug Monsters

I like this drawing because it looks like the monster is going to jump out of the picture and attack you. This is the first bug monster I drew. It is also the largest. I like the legs and the little pincers on the head. I don't know why the two sets of legs are separated, though.

This bug monster is the smallest one, but it still looks pretty fearsome, I think. The tail is made entirely out of spikes, which can shoot out and apart at any attacker and than regrow in seconds. I like how I drew the spike tail and the head. The only thing I don't like about this drawing is the fact that one set of legs on one side is way larger than the other set of legs.

I modeled this bug monster on a crab. I like it because of the shell decoration and the claws. I don't see anything visibly wrong about this bug monster, but I could have made it cooler.

Thursday, June 13, 2013

Ferocious Dragon

This is a drawing that I drew in my favorite sketchbook. I feel that it gives me good luck, for some odd reason. (The sketchbook, not the dragon.) I like this drawing because it really shows the true ferocity of the dragon. I could have made the wings bigger, though.

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Jungle Dragon

This is a drawing that I drew, inked, and colored myself. (With a little use of the copying machine in case I messed up). It was colored in with simple classroom colored pencils and a little bit of oil pastel for the wings. I think it's great except for the fact that the dragon has no limbs.